Can I increase the performance when saving the FBD-editor?

Use the configuration variable lc3.fbdDeactivateStatementListSaving to increase the performance when saving an FBD-editor. The better performance becomes more noticeable when saving an FBD-editor with many pages.

However, mind that in return the comments on the evaluation of FBD-networks and their statements are not inserted anymore. When you are saving an FBD-editor, comments are inserted in the FBD-object by default. These comments are consisting of ST-statements that describe in which order the networks in FBD and their FBD-elements are evaluated. These comments are visible only in the →textual editor, they are not visible in the →graphical editor.
The comments are a possibility to get a quick overview on the changes when comparing different versions of the same FBD-object.

If you do not need those comments, proceed as follows:

  1. Exit Neuron Power Engineer.

  2. Go to the folder where you installed Neuron Power Engineer.

  3. Locate the file NeuronPowerEngineer.ini and open it in a text editor.

  4. At the end of the file, enter -Dlc3.fbdDeactivateStatementListSaving and enter the value true.

  5. Save the file.

  6. Start Neuron Power Engineer.

  7. Open the textual and graphical editor for an existing FBD-object.
    The textual editor contains comments as the following one (after the section with the declared variables):

    VAR ... END_VAR
      // Network 1:
      SEL(G := up, IN0 := -1, IN1 := 1, SEL => @C(13).SEL);
      ADD(IN1 := count, IN2 := @C(13).SEL, ADD => count);
  8. Make a minimal change within the graphical editor (for instance move a value field) and save the change.
    Result: Now the comments with the statements are missing.